The article is prepared on the base of my readings of The Joy of Laziness It is good to fasting once a week. It makes you calm and relax in every situation. Fasting slows the biological clock. Extreme sports, excessive eating, and false ambition are factors that can steal…
अटिजम स्पेक्ट्रम बिकार (Autism Specturm Disorder ) क्रमिकरुपमा विकास हुदै जाने बिकार हो । यो समस्या भित्र धेरै लक्षणहरु हुने गर्दा यसलाई एउटा परिधि वा spectrum भित्र रहेर हेर्ने गरिन्छ । Specturm Disorder भएको हुनाले यो समस्या वाट ग्रषित बालबालिकाहरुमा बिशेष किसिमको सबल …
Photo credit : Google We are all living in the time of technology supposedly connecting through them but we never take a look on how we are getting detached from ourselves. Are digital technologies and media enough to make our social connections? Surely not, but with no d…