The article is prepared on the base of my readings of The Joy of Laziness
It is good to fasting once a week. It makes you calm and
relax in every situation. Fasting slows the biological clock. Extreme sports,
excessive eating, and false ambition are factors that can steal our energy,
cause to age faster and shorten our life. German physiologist Max Rubher says
that every organism are provided with the limited number of life energy.
2500 k/j of energy per gram of body weight. (Consumption capacity of life energy)
There is a link between metabolism, caloric restriction and
longevity. Women live longer than men i.e. 10%, because of their slow
metabolism and their conversion rate is 10% lower than of men. Metabolism is
directly proportional to heart beat and breathing rate.
Turtle and queen bee lives for 4-5 years where industrious
bee can live only 3-6 months.
Ø Principle
Maximum Power and a short life span.
Cumulative stress:-
Rediscovering Relaxation.
We lost valuable life energy basically through stress, cold,
movement, lack of sleep, by eating and through the consumption of stimulants.
Protect Yourself from energy thieves
Stress hormones adrenaline and non-adrenaline known as
epinephrine and non-epinephrine found in the bloodstream are multiplied by the
stress and increased metabolism up to 15%.
& Food we eat and energy required to process it.
# How to save large energy?
Maintain calm and even-temperedness in all areas
of life.
Be moderate in eating and exercise.
Photo credit:
# Small energy savers?
Decrease energy use through heat management, sleep
longer, avoid stimulus that increase energy use.
Long Life Markers
Body Weight
Blood Pressure
PWC 130- The Production Value (Physical Working
Capacity 130)
1.5 watts of body weight in men
1.25 watts of body weight in women
Blood Fat values:- too much fat closes the
Uric Acid –Danger for your joints and tendons
Blood Sugar and You
The Stress Hormone Cortisol
released by stress
i) Free
up reserved energy for the coming attacks.
ii) Blood
fats are mobilized, blood sugar rises and infections are repressed.
iii) After
month of stress cortisol level do not lower through the body and higher
cortisol level comes in rest.
iv) Homocysteine
tears up the arteries.
# Consuming Energy Doing Nothing
athleticism is really worthless
not only burn the calories but climbing staircase, gardening and moderate
exercise are helpful too
Notes The dose makes the poison (Hippocrates)
Minimal movement for optimal health
Make haste slowly Augustus Roman Emperor
Minimal Program for
Fitness & Longevity
Brisk Walk Program
-30 min (3-4 times a week)
- Pulse 115-120
Beginner 2 km
Advance 3.5 km
After brisk check your pulse 15 sec & multiply by 4
Peripatetic Meditation – Relaxing while walking
Om chanting
Counting and counter counting
Muscle stretching Program
Stretch only when the muscle is warm
Slowly and Carefully. Do not make it painful
each stretch for 30 seconds.
# Eat Little Live Longer
When I go to the market. I realize how many things are that
I don’t need. –Socrates
He who gains weight quickly lives longer. Long
life’s prerequisites is slow metabolism.
Food costs us energy. 1200- 1900 calories a day.
Eating Less Living Longer. Reduction in calories
can lengthen human’s life span. When we eat less our body temperature drops. As
a result metabolism slows down and energy use decreases.
Pasta- resistance starch
Complex carbohydrates
Ray Walford Age Researcher
Somatotropin (STH)- rejuvenating growth.
Larks eat breakfast, owls eat at night.
Leave dinner to your enemies- Old Chinese
# Laziness and Indolence are at the heart of good health.
Stress lost your energy
Stress hormone increase calorie use by 10-15% stress
Physical, mental and professional are three types of stress.
Relaxing makes you smarter. Relaxation prevents a premature
breakdown of your grey matter. Stress affects hippocampus as in Alzheimer;s
disease. Interlukin 1 ( transmitter in the immune system) is lowered during
Even during the breast feeding mother has more
immunoglobulin A is important for the protection against infections in the
mucus membrane.
School change stress point 20
Eight warning signs of stress
Your muscle neck are tense and sore. Trapezius-
muscle that stretches from the back of your neck over your muscle is called
When your neighbor cough you get the flu.
Your head is always pounding.
You have lost or gained more than 5% of your
body weight in the past six months.
You can’t keep your eyes closed at night and
fight sleep during the day.
Your heart beats like crazy or skips a beat.
You chew over all your problems at night.
Your hands are clammy and cold.
Gelatologist- laughter scientist
Laughing releases opiates
Paul Wilson Either Change the situation that are placing you under stress
or change the way you are dealing with them.
Endorphins happy hormone.
Conditioning touch Remember the event that make you feel good and
discover magic touch.
Rubbing ear lobes and pressing thumbs like acupressure activities are
techniques fears and uncertainties can be removed.
# Sleepyhead get more out of life.
Sleep hormone reached at low point
Lack of sleep makes you old, stupid, sick and
Early risers are more stressed then late
Melatonin sleep hormone.
How to produce own anti-aging hormone
Amino acid tryptophan act as a daytime
messenger to produce serotonin. Pineal gland connected to the outside world
through optic nerve that detect the dark. Finally serotonin get converted to
melatonin. Melatonin effective antioxidants protects cell from damage and aging
processes and increase our immune capabilities.
Protein tyrosine are sleep stealers. Hence
do not eat in the evening. Try to eat tryptophan rich food.
Johann Sebastian Bach composer of lullaby
in the West.
These notes are developed from the book
The Joy of Laziness by Peter Axt, Phd & Michaela Axt Gadermann M.D.